Women all over the World Celebrated the International Women’s Day Last Wednesday March 8, 2023. Women plays an important role in our lives and our society. Her contribution to the world is evident in our history and current events. The United Nation began celebrating International Women’s Day in 1975, But did you know that an International Socialist Women’s Conference was organized in Denmark during the 1910? In Canada the first wave of feminism occurred in the late 19th century and early 20th century. this early activism was focused on increasing women’s role in public life, with goals including women’s suffrage, increased property rights, increased access to education, and recognition as “persons” under the law. This started the fight to be heard, to have equal rights and to be treated as a valuable member of the society. Women are the primary caregivers of elders and children of every country of the world. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges. Today, MFL Women’s Committee empowers other women to continue the fight for the freedom, rights and equality of women in the workplace and in the society. Let us celebrate, for every woman counts!
We have new members who are newcomers from different places, giving them information on our Health Care System will be beneficial, and also a way to let them know that their Union cares for them. Manitoba’s health care system is a broad network of services and programs. It is publicly-funded, which means that you don’t have to pay for necessary medical and hospital services. Your health coverage allows you and your dependents to see a doctor, get a prescription, visit a hospital emergency room or use most other health services. However, services such as private nursing, routine eye exams for persons 19 and older but under 65 years old, and dental care (except certain dental procedures that require hospitalization) are not insured. Family doctors are the best option for continued primary health care for you and your family. Health is Wealth, prioritizing it is the best you can do for your family and community.
Last Day today for the Communicators Web Training of locals 1919, 608, 2603, 714, and 1953 at the District 181 Office in Winnipeg. Sharing his expertise in this training is Frank Saptel, IAM Canada Communications Representative. Fun and informative that’s how I’ll describe this training.